
Gets the version of PageMaker and its associated libraries and dictionaries.

Query results

PGetPMInfo is a subclass of PListQuery.

const char * sPageMakerVer;

PageMaker version number (e.g., Adobe PageMaker 6.5)
const char * sFileSystemVer;
File System version number
const char * sVMVer;
VM library version number
const char * sImageLibVer;
Image library version number
These fixed fields are followed by an array of dictionary names. For each dictionary, PageMaker returns the following information. Make sure that PListQuery::Count() > 0 before referencing these fields.

const char * sLanguage;

Name and version of language
const char * sDictionary;
Full path name and version of dictionary
Three spaces after name. Three spaces separate the language name of each dictionary and its version number in the sLanguage parameter.

Full version name. Unlike the 5.0 version of this query, PageMaker 6.0 returns the full product and version for the sPageMakerVer parameter in both Windows and on the Macintosh (for example, "Adobe PageMaker 6.0," rather than "Version 6.0").


PGetPMInfo pmInfo;
cout << pmInof.sPageMakerVer;
cout << pmInfo.sFileSystemVer;
cout << pmInfo.sVMVer;
cout << pmInfo.sImageLibVer;
cout << pmInfo.Count() << " dictionaries installed";
for (short i = pmInfo.Count(); i > 0; --i) {
    cout << pmInfo.sLanguage;
    cout << pmInfo.sDictionary;

See also

The PGetDictionary and PGetPMLanguage queries

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